Category Health Care

ACA quote

Here’s a quote for typical family of four for ACA. Middle Class income just above subsidy cliff which isn’t that much. And this was the cheapest of 31 plans! “Premium $2,718/monthYour estimated all-in $36,964Family out-of-pocket max $9,000Doctor visits $15Generic drugs $5″

Covid and the ADA

The goal on the part of the extreme Left early on was suppression of economic activity, especially the so-called “non-essential” side, under the guise of public health. Even before Covid, many tried to talk down the stock market, wished for…

Covid and strict liability

Two new chess moves were recently introduced by the far Left.  Both generally fall under strict liability. Vector: If you are contagious, knowingly or not, and you violate a stay at-home-order and come out, or come out even after an…

Covid and ideologies

The Right.  Conservatives, the GOP, Republicans, Capitalists … Are NOT listening to The Left.  Marxists, Communists, the Resistance, Socialists, Democrats … Every Democrat Party candidate for their party nomination BEFORE Covid insisted the economy only worked for 1%.  Were they…

Covid and housing density

“In keeping with the theme of East Asia experiencing the ‘second wave’ of the novel coronavirus outbreak already, Singapore’s Health Ministry reported 386 new cases on Monday, the city’s biggest daily jump, taking its total confirmed cases to 2,918. The…