Category Health Care

Ruling Class logic

Here they go again … “Those with the strongest claim to significant tuition assistance are students who have persevered to complete a degree that will pave the way for employment, more advanced training or both. Indifferent students should not be rewarded for…

Health care costs

[wp_ad_camp_1] Some of the philosophy underlying ObamaCare, that health care is a right, combined with technological advances could bankrupt the US health care system. As the average life span increases AND the population as a whole ages, every incremental day…

Health care

[wp_ad_camp_1] Rationing?  Call it what you want. Insurance exchange to bar hospitals with high C-section rates. Beginning in 2019, Covered California will exclude hospitals in the Golden State that have a Caesarean rate higher than 23.9 percent. The decision is…

ACA is not insurance

[wp_ad_camp_1] ACA is NOT insurance.  ACA is more like a co-op, a communist-like shared cost pool. All people (all risks) are “forced” to jump in the pool evenn if they can’t swim and pay what they can and take out…