War and a venture capital boom

grayscale photography of chainmails and helmets on ground

Editor: Is this supposed to be reassuring? “War and rising nationalism is expected to spur a venture capital boom in a one-time Silicon Valley ‘taboo’ sector: defense tech” — Fortune

Race based college activities

dont hate inscription on glass wall behind building

“‘No mention of any activities for whites’ Ky. Lawmakers rehash DEI initiatives” — LPM.org “Rep. Emily Callaway from Louisville — who voted in favor of eliminating DEI programs at public colleges this year — asked the president of Northern Kentucky…

Target store warned

sunlit california state capitol museum

“The Sacramento City Attorney’s Office warned a chain retail store that it could face a public nuisance charge due to a large number of phone calls placed to police when thieves repeatedly stole from its Land Park location. A person…

Owl vs. Owl

brown and black owl staring

“To save the imperiled spotted owl from potential extinction, U.S. wildlife officials are embracing a contentious plan to deploy trained shooters into dense West Coast forests to kill almost a half-million barred owls that are crowding out their smaller cousins.…

France and economic policy

clear glass museum during golden hour

“It has the world’s largest government relative to the size of the economy. Government spending to GDP exceeds 58%, the highest in the world. Unions are exceedingly powerful. Their ability to organize paralyzing strikes gives them a level of economic…